My scope is 78, also I'd like 80. I am currently murdering black dragons, banking the hides and bones, for some cash. Are there any better ways to get range xp that aren't slayer, yaks, experiments, rock crabs, or avansies? I've been advised that RS gold murdering black elephants are great xp, but don't drop much worth in the way of cash. I also have been told there is a safespot for them. Where can it be? (A pic would be fine, if you can) I'd love to receive my attack and power to 75 from 70.
Where should I train this? Not slayer, yaks, experiments, or even stone crabs though. Should I change any of that around? I don't have a lot of money though. (Like, I cannot buy dharoks, for example) I could get to armored zombies. For the first query, even though you said no, I would need to state aviansies. They are the ideal range monster for the combination of xp+money. If you're so much against them, blue baby dragons are the cheap RuneScape gold best. At least for me. For the second question, the trolls on passing pleatau or again, baby blue drags. There is an altar right alongside them, which means that you can endlessly melee shield.