The Sharing our Faith group has liaised with the Worship group and has led 3 services in August and September, with the central feature being an opportunity to hear one or more people’s stories. We intend to widen the range of those who share their experiences at later services.
There are lots of things we could do together to help us to share our faith.
e.g. in no particular order
- improved notice boards, banners on our railings
- leaflets to give to visitors or to distribute in the neighbourhood
- holding public events or setting up stalls inside or outside the church to attract people’s
attention (the recent distribution of hot cross buns is an example)
- joint outreach events or activities with other churches
- making sure new people are welcomed into the Church Family and helped to settle in
- introducing a structured plan to help enquirers to learn more about the Christian faith
- finding appropriate ways of introducing elements of the Whole Life Discipleship
programme, that is currently being trialled in the circuit, into our worship and fellowship.
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