Creating Battlestaves is a well-known procedure to RuneScape gold create some gold. On top of profit you will also get experience in two abilities - Crafting and Magic. This way of gold making requires a lot of prep but in the end it is a lot more worth it than simply crafting regular Air Staves. To start you wish to take a number of the most crucial items into your inventory - Graceful Outfit, Fire Staff, Ring of Duelling along with also the Anti-Dragon Shield.
As it was not enough you'll also need to take cosmic runes, logs, and also greatest potential antidote which you can spend. Rest of the inventory ought to be filled with unpowered orbs. With less than 70 Agility you won't be able to use the shortcut, so be sure to take with you a Publish Key.
Start at the Castle Wars and choose the balloon into Taverley. Once you arrive at the spot move to the Fire Obelisk. It will require over 70 Agility (80+ advised). Charge all the orbs you have brought and teleport back to the Castle Wars to replicate the procedure. After you are finished with charging, it is possible to make Battlestaves out of the orbs and utilize High Alchemy to turn them into gold. Since below 70 Agility this process is extremely conduct intensive you can end up extra work such as fletching or alching. This is sometimes done in the spare time between runs whenever you're waiting to regenerate your endurance.
By using Pickaxe you can mine dense essence and with chisel you'll have the ability to venerate them. With prepared stones you can run to the Blood Altar to OSRS Gold For Sale control Runes. If you can satisfy the requirements and maximize your runs you should make 212 Blood Runes on a single visit in the altar. This implies that in theory you should have the ability to make over 300k gold every hour whilst also getting around 40k experience.
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