“All work and no play make Jack a dull boy”. Everyone is aware of this proverb, but hardly some of us do understand the reality in this. We need to follow it in day-to-day practice, instead of just making our kids learn that, the way we did.
As mentioned by learn Quran uk ,Parents do understand the importance of education, but forget that they are handling their living kids and not the robots. Education is definitely an important aspect of life that gives a stand in the society, but education doesn’t get limited to books and studies. The brain develops with the practical implementations. Various activities boost up the brain functioning. The more the kid is open to variety of activities, the more the brain cells develop. Bookish knowledge gets confined to the subdued part of the brain. To learn what is read needs to see and handle the same in a practical way.
World class technology said, The education system in India itself is lacking the key factor of practical implementation of bookish knowledge. Students today read and mug up everything, but they actually don’t understand what they have learnt and how to use the same in practical world. Learning comes up from what we see, touch, realize and implement. A child poor in studies is not necessarily a loser in life. Every child has a unique quality and talent. They just need the spark to lighten up and shine as a star. It is the duty of the parents to recognize the hidden talent and help their child excel in the field of their interest.
Parents today, are more conscious than caring. They get their kids join all sorts of activity classes and force everything to their little brains. They don’t try, or for that matter, don’t want to understand their kids’ interest. In the competitive world, to earn more and more, and provide their kids with every possible requirement, parents forget the basic need of their children, the time factor, that none of the parents has. Then how could they know their kids’ intellect level and interest?
If parents’ lacks to give their children appropriate time, or let their kids get buried in to the books, then they should stop dreaming a successful career and a confident life for their kid. A kid dug into the books all the time very soon gets tethered mentally. The lethargy prevails all day, leading to dullness and irritability. This in turn leads to loss of concentration. Slowly it starts affecting the health, by altering the sleep pattern, weakness of eye sight, lack of hunger and continuous stress at a tender age.
A child nourishes with his brain functioning, by enjoying the activity that they perform; whether it might be any game, dance, music, painting, craftwork or any other thing. Their talent and skill will come up only if they do the same with zeal and enthusiasm. Forcing them to the activities by means of getting them to the classes will indirectly lead to demand for the excellence and competition. A hobby should be enjoyed as a hobby. Not every finger is of same length and capabilities, similar are our kids. They should never be compared with each other. Comparison always leads to insecurity and failure. A child can never succeed with the insecurity for failure.
The way to keep the children grow healthy physically and mentally, is by imparting them ample time. Interacting with them as a friend and guide, encouraging their hobbies, helping them with scheduling time for nurturing their hidden talent and projecting the same to the world with flying colors.
Parents, please wake up and boost up your kids with active participation in all the activities despite studies. Get your children grow up their hobbies and help our coming generations get enlightened in different fields.