aka.ms/remoteconnect is a common error that came across while login into Minecraft using crossplay through a Microsoft account. It is one of the errors that can be fixed easily just by following these simple steps:
If you have an old Microsoft Login account and you are currently using it on Xbox to play Minecraft, most probably it will not work on PS4 or any other device, while using Microsoft’s amazing feature Crossplay. Therefore, to fix the aka.ms/remoteconnect issue on your device, you must create a new Microsoft account. To do so follow the steps given below:
Visit Microsoft's official website from your internet browser or PS4.
Now click on the “Create a Microsoft Account” button on the side.
Now Click on “Get a new email address” if you want Microsoft to create an address for you.
Follow the on-screen instruction till the registration process is complete.
Now try this new account for Microsoft Corssplay to avoid the aka.ms/remoteconnect error.
Roadrunner Email
Roadrunner is an email service provider which is the proprietary of Road Runner and Time Warner Cable. But because of its changing ownership people still get confused about which is the best way to login into their Roadrunner Email account. If you are having the same issue feel free to follow the instruction given below:
Open your internet browser and visit webmail.spectrum.net.
Then enter your login detail like your “Username” and “Password” (case sensitive) care.
Now click on login and your Roadrunner Email will be ready to use.
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