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Prayer Circle

Some of us from the Church Family are committed to praying regularly for others.  We pray in confidence for those in need of both urgent and long term prayer.

If you would like to make a prayer request for you or for someone you know, please contact us at

The Prayer Book

The blue Sunday worship prayer book will now be left in the Quiet Room during the week. Please feel free to add any name or concern. The book will then be in the Church porch  on Sunday mornings and brought to the Preacher with the collection plate so that the names may be added to the prayers.

Prayer Shawls.

I now have several crocheted prayer shawls made for people who are in hospital or in a care home.

The shawls have this message with them:

 “This shawl was made for you, with prayers and blessings to comfort you and let you know that you are loved. From Uppermill Methodist Prayer Group”

Please get in contact via if you would like to find out more.

Prayer takes many forms, the links to the right will take you to different prayer resources on the internet.

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